One actor...two roles

"A fantastic, unique mix of comedy and visual effects"

Paul Snider performs both roles in the classic comedy duo routine "Who's On First" made famous by Abbott and Costello

This short film enjoyed film festival success around the world in 2023/2024

Paul Snider plays two brothers trying to perform a piano duet, with hilarious results!

This short film enjoyed film festival success around the world in 2022/2023

"This coolly funny short from tireless multi-tasker Paul Snider, here credited as writer, director, producer, editor, sound designer and star(s), is nice and short at barely five minutes but, nevertheless, full of humour and charm. Devoid of dialogue and not exactly plot-heavy, of course, this is impressively built upon a lengthy visual effects trick that works extremely well, and belies what must have been a pretty low budget. It’s actually quite a tough little pic to write about without quite giving the game away, but it certainly suggests that Snider is really going to go places, as he manages not a single flubbed note here."

Damian, Madcap Film Festival Director

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